Consultation on Admission Arrangements for 2025/26
Posted 15th December 2023
As the admission authority for Austhorpe Primary School, Leeds, Red Kite Learning Trust is carrying out a consultation on its admission arrangements for the academic year 2025/26.
Following review by the school’s Local Governing Board, Senior Leadership Team, Red Kite Learning Trust Board, and Leeds City Council (LCC) as the local authority, Austhorpe Primary School proposes:
An alteration to the school’s catchment area, to more closely align with the areas of new and emerging housing within the Osmondthorpe / Templenewsam Primary Planning Area.
A copy of the proposed Austhorpe Primary School Admissions Policy for 2025/26 to include the proposed change can be viewed by following the link. Paper copies are available from the school office upon request.
All other criteria will remain the same, other than where wording revisions may be necessary to give effect to a mandatory requirement of the School Admissions Code (2021) or admissions law.
Consultation Timeframe
The consultation will open on 15 December 2023 and the deadline for responding with any comments is 26 January 2024.
If you would like to share your views on these arrangements, please send your response to: or by post to: Miss Amanda Lightfoot (Headteacher), Austhorpe Primary School, Austhorpe Lane, Leeds LS15 8TP.